Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bed Prep

Over the past few days Charlotte and I have begun bed preparations for the tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings growing up in the basement. 

The first step was to remove the sod.  We did it with a shovel and pick on the other beds which was incredibly tedious.  With the broadfork, however, we did the whole bed in an hour or two on Saturday morning. 

Next, I added the prescribed amount of ground lime (20 lb: 100 square feet) for neutralizing the soil; fertilizer (the same pro-gro/bonemeal combination as with the other beds); and compost, for all the wonderful benefits it provides.

Remaining tasks are to get even more compost, then set up the soaker hose which will water from below, losing less to evaporation and avoiding disease that comes with wet leaves and fruit.  I will mulch on top of the hose and around the plant either with plastic (which will also heat the soil faster, or with some organic material (I've been collecting grass clippings).

I brought a broken container of fish/seaweed fertilizer home from the farm which I diluted in water and sprayed on the foliage of all the col crops, lettuces, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and basil.  I will continue to apply it every few weeks depending on the vegetable.

I've cleared out the back corner of the yard where I will make hills for summer squash, zucchini, pumpkin and winter squash, all bordered by perennials.

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.

from A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Farmer, could I possibly request some close-ups of the vegetables as they begin to look recognizable? I'm just looking to live vicariously from NY to Boston.

