Here is our arugula, likely to be the first harvest. I've been sneaking bites as I pass by. It is deliciously spicy. I just planted another row so hopefully we won't have to wait too long once this row runs out.
A broccoli seedling next to my hand for scale. All but two or three of our broccoli, brussel sprout and cauliflower seedlings are thriving. The wind is blowing today and hopefully will leave them even stronger.
A row of spinach. We have two younger rows which I hope mature before the weather gets too hot.
We are getting in desperate need of a new, larger compost bin to deal with our ever increasing pile of sod and other yard scraps.
Barely visible newly germinated kale seedlings.
One of the Blueberry bushes (left) and the pruned peach tree (right).
We are preparing a home for the squash plants and created a perennial border which still needs filling. We put in a dicentra, some irises, peonies, daylillies, tulips and a few others scavenged from different areas of garden on the property.
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